Domov > Aktualno > Arhiv novic > 1. srečanje mikologov - Ekološki in naravovarstveni pomen gliv v urbanih gozdovih
21. 09. 2021
1. srečanje mikologov - Ekološki in naravovarstveni pomen gliv v urbanih gozdovih

V času 2.-5. 9. 2021 smo v soorganizaciji JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o., Oddelka za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire Biotehniške fakultete in Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije izvedli 1. srečanje mikologov.

Namen 1. srečanja mikologov - Ekološki in naravovarstveni pomen gliv v urbanih gozdovih je bil vzpodbuditi povezovanje in dolgoročno sodelovanje slovenskih in tujih mikologov ter pridobiti podatke o razširjenosti vrst gliv v Krajinskem parku Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib ter popularizirati ekološki in naravovarstveni pomen gliv v urbanih in vseh drugih gozdovih.
Prvo srečanje smo zaradi pandemske situacije in v tem času veljavnih omejitvenih ukrepov nekoliko prilagodili in ga izvedli v zmanjšanem obsegu in brez tujih udeležencev.
Tekom srečanja smo udeleženci v štirih dneh našli in določili več kot 160 različnih vrst gob. V sušnih poletnih razmerah je takšen nabor vrst prej izjema kot pravilo. K bogatemu naboru opaženih in določenih vrst je prispevalo tudi dejstvo, da so se srečanja udeležili raziskovalci z zanimanji z različnih področij biologije, ekologije, gozdarstva, mikologije in predvsem taksonomi, ki so specializirani za določene skupine znotraj ogromnega kraljestva gliv.

Za delovanje in zdravje gozdnega ekosistema in tudi dreves, na mestih, kjer rastlinam primanjkuje hranil, so glive s svojim razkrojnim delovanjem in vplivom na kroženje snovi v okolju ter sožiteljstvom, ki ga predstavlja mikoriza, ključnega in nenadomestljivega pomena. Želimo si, da bo imelo srečanje tudi v bodoče bogato udeležbo tako domačih, kot tujih raziskovalcev in specialistov za glive. Cilj tovrstnega srečanja ni le mreženje, iskanje možnosti projektnega sodelovanja in sproščeno raziskovalno druženje temveč predvsem pridobivanje podatkov o razširjenosti gliv in popularizacija ekološkega in naravovarstvenega pomena gliv na območju Krajinskega parka Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib in širše v urbanih gozdovih.

Srečanje omogočajo:

P4-0059 Gozd, gozdarstvo in obnovljivi gozdni viri, P4-0107 Gozdna biologija, ekologija in tehnologija, J4-1766 Metodološki pristopi k analizam genomske pestrosti in ekološke plastičnosti gomoljik iz naravnih rastišč, JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o.

EN (English)

The first meeting of field mycologistsEcological and Nature conservational role of fungi in urban forests was organised on September 2 -5, 2021 in Ljubljana, Slovenia focusing on the Tivoli, Rožnik, and Šiška hill Landscape Park. The Park is under management and a part of the Slovenian Public Utility JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o., who organised the meeting in cooperation with Department for forestry and renewable forest sources at Biotechnical faculty University of Ljubljana and Forestry institute of Slovenia.

The main idea behind this first and pioneer meeting of field mycologists in Ljubljana was to encourage local mycologist and nature specialists for focusing on the local environment, and in newly established cooperation with mycologists from abroad collect data about distribution of fungi in the Tivoli, Rožnik and Šiška hill Landscape Park. The primary goal was popularization of ecological and nature conservational roles of fungi in urban ecosystems and emphasize the importance of urban forests for their multibed ecosystem services, including supporting the diversity of fungi.

Due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19 pandemic and taken measures for preventing the spread, we were forced to adapt and held the meeting with a reduced number of participants and planned activities. Unfortunately, due to travel restrictions, we had to postpone the participants of international guests for next years.

During the four days of the meeting, we organised 5 forays which resulted in collecting and identifying in total over 160 fungal species. The number would be otherwise considered low, but due to a prolonged dry season (summer) and a diverse group of participants with interest in different fields of biology, ecology, forestry, mycology and especially fungal taxonomy, still high.

In areas where there is a lack of nutrients, fungi with their role as organic matter decompositors and their impact cycle of matter in environment and forming mycorrhiza with shrubs and trees are crucial for healthy and stable forest ecosystems. We would like to point out that in next years we hope for an international participation, that would broaden the experience and taxonomic specializations of participants, resulting in a better coverage of the diversity of Landscape Park’s yet hidden fungal diversity.

A goal of this kind of a meeting is not just networking, but also establishing future project cooperation, facilitating specialised analyses of specific taxonomic groups and overall popularization of ecological and nature conservational roles of Tivoli, Rožnik, and Šiška hill Landscape Park and urban forests in general.

Vodovodna cesta 90, Ljubljana
Telefon: +386 (0)1 5808 074
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